Mirror, Mirror On The Wall, Will Botox Look Natural?
Posted on: 21 December 2022
Will Botox take away your ability to show facial expressions? This common myth may make some people reconsider using a cosmetic injectable. But it isn't true. If you're new to this type of line-reducing treatment, take a look at what you need to know about injectables, expressions, and your options.
What Is Botox?
Before you learn more about why this injectable won't erase your ability to express emotions (facially), you may need to understand what botulinum toxin type A is and how it works. Botulinum toxin type A or botulinum therapy are general names for this brand of facial injectable. The botulinum toxin relaxes the muscles of the face, smoothing the area above them. This decreases the look and feel of wrinkles and fine lines such as frown lines or crow's feet.
What Does Relaxing the Facial Muscles Mean?
Does the word relaxing make you imagine a loose face that can't move, droops, or freezes in one position? According to information from the Cleveland Clinic, eyelid drooping is a potential side effect of botulinum type A therapy. But this doesn't mean it will happen to everyone.
Even though this is a possible side effect, botulinum therapy shouldn't cause your full face to droop, fall, or go motionless. When done correctly, botulinum injectables can help you to achieve a natural, youthful, and refreshed look. Relaxation of the facial muscles should only cause the skin above them to flatten or smooth—and shouldn't result in a frozen type of appearance.
Can You Still Show Expressions After Injectable Therapy?
Yes, your face can and will still show emotions after botulinum therapy. Your eyes, nose, cheeks, mouth, and every other part of your face should still have the ability to move naturally. This means when you're happy you can smile, when you're sad you can frown, and when you're surprised your eyebrows can still raise into a startled position.
What Should You Do If You Have Questions or Concerns About Post-Injection Movement?
Do you still have concerns about a post-injection frozen face or the inability to move some of your facial muscles? Talk to a cosmetic medical provider about these issues before you schedule an appointment. A highly-skilled, well-trained medical professional (such as a dermatologist or plastic surgeon) can walk you through the process and review the safety and efficacy information.
Contact a medical professional in your area for more information about the results of Botox.